Thursday 17 February 2011


OK so about a month ago a hacker known as GEOHOT (Made famous By creating the ORIGINAL I Phone Hack) took the web by storm by announcing he had "Cracked" Sony's Playstation 3 system.

Now to be fair this was a LONG time coming and it was only a matter of time till someone done it! Now I Don't hate hackers/jail breakers they are doing people a service all be it about as legal as murder but they do it anyway and a number of things can happen from this!!!

APPLE, SONY, Microsoft and Nintendo are the 4 major company's that have issues with kind of thing. Now if a Hack/jailbreak helps you get content (that would otherwise cost you) for free not only is it stealing but it is making developers (Like EA, Activision and THQ) re think their pricing for said product as they would lose money on that product, which in turn has an impact on the HONEST souls that buy the content/game to support the industry.

Now Sony's reaction to this new Hack is as follows:

"Important Access to the PlayStation Network and Access to Qriocity Services Notice

Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hacker These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the “System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System” and the “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws. Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 System terminated permanently. To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems."

 What this means to you

Circumvention devices and game piracy damage our industry and can potentially injure the online experience for you, our loyal PlayStation customers, via hacks and cheats.
Many PlayStation.Blog readers have asked how we intend to deal with these incidents that they have been reading about in the gaming press, and this is our initial response.
By identifying PlayStation 3 systems that breach our guidelines and terminating their ability to connect to PlayStation Network, we are protecting our business and preserving the honest gameplay experiences that you expect and deserve.
Rest assured, this message does not apply to the overwhelming majority of our users who enjoy the world of entertainment PlayStation 3 has to offer without breaching the guidelines detailed above, and we urge you to continue doing so without fear."


BUT IT IS OUR CONSOLE WE CAN DO WHAT WE LIKE!!!!! I hear you cry!!!! Yes I agree BUT at you OWN risk!!!!

The following is a comment i posted on aforementioned blog:

"Yes we may own our PS3′s or 360′s but when we buy them (In my opinion anyway) we are agreeing to that company’s Terms of use and user agreement and if someone breaks any of those then there console is blocked from all online use.

Yes I agree if a user wants to hack their PS3 or 360 let them its their choice and their console but they do so at their own risk!!

But I for one will not as I do not want to lose the benefits of being online with my PS3 and I really don’t want to go out and spend upwards of 250£ on another console!!!!

So let them hack their PS3′s let them Steal the games that devs put alot of money and time into. Coz eventually it will come back and bite em on the A**. If people think that Pirates, cheaters and hackers/jail breakers Prosper then im sorry but they are the ones that are short sighted! If pirates and hackers never existed we would not need a constant connection to the net or need codes to activate games online (PC Only) but EA, Activision and even Sony themselves are looking into bringing it into console games to stop things like this!!!!

What has happened is Sony made a claim “PS3 is uncrackable” so a few years down the line someone comes along cracks it boasts about it so Sony are like “OK it’s been cracked S*** Happens Life Goes On Deal with it” and that’s what they are doing they are dealing with it in their own way!!!

It’s what MS done and are still doing so we can’t do much about it!! all they are doing is combating the the problem! it won’t make it go away Hell No but it’s showing they not taking it lying down!!!!

In my honest opinion it’s people like this that put company’s into the position to make more than just the Hackers or Pirates suffer. For example PS3 hack IF your console/username is known to use this exploit you will be banned from all online PSN services harsh as hell but as the saying goes “CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER”.

Overall Sony are just trying to protect what is theirs weather its PSN or the consoles themselves all they want to do is protect its users from things like this!!! MS do the same and to be fair I don’t blame them!!!!"

Now to be fair Sony removed OtherOS from the XMB for this very reason which lead hackers to do what they have done!! so it could be said that it is in part Sony's fault! That then begs the question

Why do we get charged high prices for Games, Apps, Movies and services??

Only you can answer that!!!

My answer Simple If YOU are the type of person that goes out and pays for the games, apps, movies and services provided by these company's you are supporting the industry's and supporting what you love. I'm the same.

Now I want to know your feelings on this good, bad or indifferent please do not hesitate to comment below and let me know what you think on this!!! Your opinion Counts!!!

On that Note i would like to take this opportunity to link you to a good friends blog and his opinion on this kind of thing Find it here:

burnoutaddict's Blog!!!

Also sorry for the rant once i get going its hard to stop so thanks for taking the time to read this post :)

Yours in Gaming
