Sunday 24 April 2011


Disclaimer: Before you read this please be aware this is not a poke or stab at anyone person or persons this is purely my opinion on this issue!!! I have nothing against Hackers/Jail Breakers it is up to them what they do with their time if it helps it helps!!!

Quick open letter to ANON!!
Yo guy’s and gal’s (Let’s not discriminate) I admire your wanting to help countries and people what they want in life and I admire that you take credit for what work is yours!! I know you guy’s have nothing to do with this current outage and I believe if you had anything on this we would have known about it by now!! So I hope you catch up with the culprit and you can clear your name on this one!!

As many of us know PSN (Playstation Network) went down between Wednesday 20th or Thursday 21st of April 2011!! Now normally this would be considered “Scheduled” but then SONY/PSN where receiving numerous e-mail’s and complaints about users receiving the 80710A06 error code and at the time it was unknown as to what this code was, It was later revealed that it was  an external intrusion that would go on to cripple the PSN!!

Over recent weeks SONY came under attack by a group only known as ANONYMOUS who were at the time intent on causing as much hassle for SONY as they could one thing they did was take PSN and most of SONY’s sites down for a short time and protested at stores around the globe!!! Now the original reason for this (As I see it) was the whole GEOHOT issue and SONY removing the otherOS option from their Playstation 3 console. There were other reasons but I can’t remember ATM but those are two of the main ones!! After this short time SONY had this Issue resolved and the PSN and other sites where back to normal again. Now all credit to ANON they wanted to make a point and to be quite honest they did and they then promised that that was the end of the PSN thing with them as they felt they were blaming the users for SONY’s decisions regarding PSN and Private information!  

Now fast forward to this latest intrusion. There are a lot of people out there Blaming ANONYMOUS for this now let’s be honest being the fact they had something to do with the last one that is where they would land first to pin this on them but think about it (This is a comment made by a friend on twitter) “that's why I believe them. It would be counterproductive to do it then deny it was them.” Now whoever is behind this latest intrusion has been planning it for some time and is using the ANON issue to swing the blame away from them!!!
Now upon the intrusion SONY closed the following
  • Qriocity
  • PlayStation Store
  • Account management
They then revealed that the Outage was nothing to do with them but an external source, and as soon as that was said twitter was alight with things like “Damn you ANON” and “GIVE US BACK PSN ANON”, not to sound to ass-holeish but every time PSN goes down is that where your gonna goto to blame?? IF ANON did this don’t you think they would be parsing their members/followers on a job well done. Whoever has done this has played it so ANON get the shit for it!!!

ON a final note ANON are also trying to find out who this is as they feel they are being “Hated” for something they have not done!!! I agree in part with some of the “Grow up PSN user” comments from ANON as a lot of people have jumped to conclusions about who done it and I for one believe that this time this has NOTHING to do with ANON and I also think SONY know this too but ANON are taking the heat!! So please If you are reading this and thinking F’U ANON take some time do some digging and even add ANONs feeds on Twitter and you will see my point!! A few people agree with me on this IF ANON DID THIS WE WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT BY NOW!!!!

And going off the fact the last time they did it they boasted about it the next day this leads me to say it is not them!!! 

So in closing if you think this is ANON then fair enough that’s your opinion and your entitled to it like they say “everyone has the right to free speech” so with that said don’t blame anyone for something they have not done UNLESS you can prove it was them!!! 

SONY Hope you can get it fixed ASAP! And catch the person that did this!!

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