Monday 7 November 2011

All Hail STARSCREAM: Transformers Fan Series #4

All Hail STARSCREAM: Transformers Fan Series #4: OH YEAAAHH *Mr Powaglide voice* it's time for another Transformer Fan Series! this time my guest is from the UK, my twitter fam member & gr...

Sunday 24 April 2011


Disclaimer: Before you read this please be aware this is not a poke or stab at anyone person or persons this is purely my opinion on this issue!!! I have nothing against Hackers/Jail Breakers it is up to them what they do with their time if it helps it helps!!!

Quick open letter to ANON!!
Yo guy’s and gal’s (Let’s not discriminate) I admire your wanting to help countries and people what they want in life and I admire that you take credit for what work is yours!! I know you guy’s have nothing to do with this current outage and I believe if you had anything on this we would have known about it by now!! So I hope you catch up with the culprit and you can clear your name on this one!!

As many of us know PSN (Playstation Network) went down between Wednesday 20th or Thursday 21st of April 2011!! Now normally this would be considered “Scheduled” but then SONY/PSN where receiving numerous e-mail’s and complaints about users receiving the 80710A06 error code and at the time it was unknown as to what this code was, It was later revealed that it was  an external intrusion that would go on to cripple the PSN!!

Over recent weeks SONY came under attack by a group only known as ANONYMOUS who were at the time intent on causing as much hassle for SONY as they could one thing they did was take PSN and most of SONY’s sites down for a short time and protested at stores around the globe!!! Now the original reason for this (As I see it) was the whole GEOHOT issue and SONY removing the otherOS option from their Playstation 3 console. There were other reasons but I can’t remember ATM but those are two of the main ones!! After this short time SONY had this Issue resolved and the PSN and other sites where back to normal again. Now all credit to ANON they wanted to make a point and to be quite honest they did and they then promised that that was the end of the PSN thing with them as they felt they were blaming the users for SONY’s decisions regarding PSN and Private information!  

Now fast forward to this latest intrusion. There are a lot of people out there Blaming ANONYMOUS for this now let’s be honest being the fact they had something to do with the last one that is where they would land first to pin this on them but think about it (This is a comment made by a friend on twitter) “that's why I believe them. It would be counterproductive to do it then deny it was them.” Now whoever is behind this latest intrusion has been planning it for some time and is using the ANON issue to swing the blame away from them!!!
Now upon the intrusion SONY closed the following
  • Qriocity
  • PlayStation Store
  • Account management
They then revealed that the Outage was nothing to do with them but an external source, and as soon as that was said twitter was alight with things like “Damn you ANON” and “GIVE US BACK PSN ANON”, not to sound to ass-holeish but every time PSN goes down is that where your gonna goto to blame?? IF ANON did this don’t you think they would be parsing their members/followers on a job well done. Whoever has done this has played it so ANON get the shit for it!!!

ON a final note ANON are also trying to find out who this is as they feel they are being “Hated” for something they have not done!!! I agree in part with some of the “Grow up PSN user” comments from ANON as a lot of people have jumped to conclusions about who done it and I for one believe that this time this has NOTHING to do with ANON and I also think SONY know this too but ANON are taking the heat!! So please If you are reading this and thinking F’U ANON take some time do some digging and even add ANONs feeds on Twitter and you will see my point!! A few people agree with me on this IF ANON DID THIS WE WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT BY NOW!!!!

And going off the fact the last time they did it they boasted about it the next day this leads me to say it is not them!!! 

So in closing if you think this is ANON then fair enough that’s your opinion and your entitled to it like they say “everyone has the right to free speech” so with that said don’t blame anyone for something they have not done UNLESS you can prove it was them!!! 

SONY Hope you can get it fixed ASAP! And catch the person that did this!!

Friday 11 March 2011


Here you will Find My #FF's from twitter Will try and change them as often as possible  but don't worry if you do not see you name more to be added over time  :)

@KloudShun Fellow Gamer, and generally nice guy!!

@C_Birch  Antything she don’t know about PSHome is not worth knowing

@DanielCake Generally nice chap and fellow gamer very random too!!

@fski31 Great Person to talk to always bring a smile to my face

 @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN Need I Say More lol but no this Man is for lack of a better word a LEGEND!!

@Hyperguy20 Very Funny guy and an avid gamer!

 @OOdazza Recently added me on PSN and is a very nice guy thanks

@MillaJovovich She does it all Sings, Acts, Designs Clothing and takes time to help charities! One hell of a role model in my Life!!

@AuntiiiMartiii Known this guy for a long time and is a very VERY nice guy!! Makes me laugh a lot!

@BurnoutAddict Has inspired me to start my own blog in the last month or so and I wish him all the best with his! Also a great person to talk to and have a laugh with

 @iChazzer Very good picture taker guy (Dunno how to spell that other word lol) and is always posting great tweets. Always good for a bit of a laugh

@Yaster Fellow gamer and Mod on UKPS be nice or the BANHAMMER will fall ;)

 @LordRossOnly gotten to know this guy recently and is awesome! Fellow Motorstormer and Mod On UKPS and is owed a SMACK!!! ;) 

@leonHurley Writer Of Articles For OPM UK and all round nice chap

@UltimatePS3 All your PS3 Gossip and News HERE!!!!

 @Envisager_ Known for some time very nice guy

 @Kneon Recently gotten to know and is a nice chap worth a follow

@Pacman_Ownage Fellow gamer and Motorstormer and a great person to talk to! Is also owed a Smack ;) In motorstorm!!

@painyboi Known for a long time great gamer, and a great person in general

@PSNarrator What can I say! Known this chap since the OLD SKOOL days of UKPS and is quite possibly one of the best known guys on there J also a great graphics designer 

@Kiez__ All round great guy deserves the hit the follow button

@richard4481 Fellow PS3 gamer and nice guy

@XTimskiX Fellow gamer and nice guy well worth a follow

@DaveyJam Fellow Gamer and awesome to talk to one of the nicest peeps I know 

 @MrTheMan all round nice guy great to talk too and always guaranteed a laugh

@D_Moss Meet on MillaJforum a few years back lifes not to far away from me and is a great person to talk to

@Ultraviolent85  My girlfriend!!!!

@TallPaul_ Fellow gamer and quite random reminds me of doctor Cox sometimes  ;)

@MiiKate  Very Highly Ranked on my friends list as many of these #FF’s but she is someone I will always have a lot of time and respect for

@Dudedrakes Thinks he’s gangster but really he’s a PS3 gamer and awesome ;)

@ER_nut Known this guy a year or 2 and is an awesome chap well worth a follow great to chat with too

@DaywalkerLiam Generally nice person, Fellow gamer and nice to chat with

@thefamilyboosh Met over at UKPS and is a really nice guy 

@OPM_UK My first stop MAG for all things PS3 if it’s not Official It’s nothing ;)

@xHeatherPS3x Really nice gal, Met her over at UKPS also fellow gamer and would probally had me my ass at Killzone lol

 @BenjiWilson Master and chief at @OPM UK Fellow wrestling fan and enjoys life to the full. Good for a bit of randomness and convo

@cupcake_rachel News Lady @OPM UK and one of the sweetest and random girls I know would love a sister like her

@MusterBuster Ahhhhh MB Head Honcho over @UKPS and the man with the hammer of ban! But with that said he is awesome and keeps a lot of the UKPS world spinning Thank you Sir

Much Love And Peace 


Thursday 17 February 2011


OK so about a month ago a hacker known as GEOHOT (Made famous By creating the ORIGINAL I Phone Hack) took the web by storm by announcing he had "Cracked" Sony's Playstation 3 system.

Now to be fair this was a LONG time coming and it was only a matter of time till someone done it! Now I Don't hate hackers/jail breakers they are doing people a service all be it about as legal as murder but they do it anyway and a number of things can happen from this!!!

APPLE, SONY, Microsoft and Nintendo are the 4 major company's that have issues with kind of thing. Now if a Hack/jailbreak helps you get content (that would otherwise cost you) for free not only is it stealing but it is making developers (Like EA, Activision and THQ) re think their pricing for said product as they would lose money on that product, which in turn has an impact on the HONEST souls that buy the content/game to support the industry.

Now Sony's reaction to this new Hack is as follows:

"Important Access to the PlayStation Network and Access to Qriocity Services Notice

Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hacker These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the “System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System” and the “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws. Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 System terminated permanently. To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems."

 What this means to you

Circumvention devices and game piracy damage our industry and can potentially injure the online experience for you, our loyal PlayStation customers, via hacks and cheats.
Many PlayStation.Blog readers have asked how we intend to deal with these incidents that they have been reading about in the gaming press, and this is our initial response.
By identifying PlayStation 3 systems that breach our guidelines and terminating their ability to connect to PlayStation Network, we are protecting our business and preserving the honest gameplay experiences that you expect and deserve.
Rest assured, this message does not apply to the overwhelming majority of our users who enjoy the world of entertainment PlayStation 3 has to offer without breaching the guidelines detailed above, and we urge you to continue doing so without fear."


BUT IT IS OUR CONSOLE WE CAN DO WHAT WE LIKE!!!!! I hear you cry!!!! Yes I agree BUT at you OWN risk!!!!

The following is a comment i posted on aforementioned blog:

"Yes we may own our PS3′s or 360′s but when we buy them (In my opinion anyway) we are agreeing to that company’s Terms of use and user agreement and if someone breaks any of those then there console is blocked from all online use.

Yes I agree if a user wants to hack their PS3 or 360 let them its their choice and their console but they do so at their own risk!!

But I for one will not as I do not want to lose the benefits of being online with my PS3 and I really don’t want to go out and spend upwards of 250£ on another console!!!!

So let them hack their PS3′s let them Steal the games that devs put alot of money and time into. Coz eventually it will come back and bite em on the A**. If people think that Pirates, cheaters and hackers/jail breakers Prosper then im sorry but they are the ones that are short sighted! If pirates and hackers never existed we would not need a constant connection to the net or need codes to activate games online (PC Only) but EA, Activision and even Sony themselves are looking into bringing it into console games to stop things like this!!!!

What has happened is Sony made a claim “PS3 is uncrackable” so a few years down the line someone comes along cracks it boasts about it so Sony are like “OK it’s been cracked S*** Happens Life Goes On Deal with it” and that’s what they are doing they are dealing with it in their own way!!!

It’s what MS done and are still doing so we can’t do much about it!! all they are doing is combating the the problem! it won’t make it go away Hell No but it’s showing they not taking it lying down!!!!

In my honest opinion it’s people like this that put company’s into the position to make more than just the Hackers or Pirates suffer. For example PS3 hack IF your console/username is known to use this exploit you will be banned from all online PSN services harsh as hell but as the saying goes “CHEATERS NEVER PROSPER”.

Overall Sony are just trying to protect what is theirs weather its PSN or the consoles themselves all they want to do is protect its users from things like this!!! MS do the same and to be fair I don’t blame them!!!!"

Now to be fair Sony removed OtherOS from the XMB for this very reason which lead hackers to do what they have done!! so it could be said that it is in part Sony's fault! That then begs the question

Why do we get charged high prices for Games, Apps, Movies and services??

Only you can answer that!!!

My answer Simple If YOU are the type of person that goes out and pays for the games, apps, movies and services provided by these company's you are supporting the industry's and supporting what you love. I'm the same.

Now I want to know your feelings on this good, bad or indifferent please do not hesitate to comment below and let me know what you think on this!!! Your opinion Counts!!!

On that Note i would like to take this opportunity to link you to a good friends blog and his opinion on this kind of thing Find it here:

burnoutaddict's Blog!!!

Also sorry for the rant once i get going its hard to stop so thanks for taking the time to read this post :)

Yours in Gaming


Thursday 13 January 2011

Playstation MOVE Review

I was very very sceptical about Playstation MOVE when I first heard about it I even asked myself, "Will it work??"  I will answer this question and more in this review.

So does MOVE work?? In a YES and very well at that, I have tried all 3 motion controllers for the BIG 3 consoles at the moment and I feel that MOVE is slap bang in the middle. My reason for this comment is that MOVE gives all the features of the WiiMote and more, the camera for MOVE gives the kinect feel to it. but with that said MOVE is neither Kinect or WiiMote it is an amalgamation of both. MOVE can be anything you want it to be A Sword, A Frisbee, Golf Club, Guns, With more and more games hitting PS3 that will use PSMove it has a decent future.
The move controller itself is very well build and is (Believe Me) very solid and sturdy. It is very easy to use all buttons within reach of the hand it is in and feels good to have it in your hand and to have something solid in your hand.

As you can see from the above image MOVE looks great and feels happy in the hand. Using your index finger for the trigger and select button and your thumb for the face buttons and start button so all you need is your 2 fingers and a hand. The ball on the top (although it looks like a ping pong ball) is soft and rubbery to the touch which makes it TV friendly-ish I have not lost my TV to it yet *Touches wood* and works as to point of capture for the camera.
The MOVE controller works with the above Camera. The camera tracks the ball on the top of the controller in either the PS3's XMB or in game to 1:1 Ratio the movement is very very fluid same as Kinect (Not had enough Hands on with kinect yet to review it that will come ASAP) both feel in their respective menu systems. In game Move comes into it own and becomes you hands basically for arguments sake in Sports Champions if you character has a sword in your hand (Not Literary) so swing slow and steady you cause little damage swing hard and fast cause great damage with possibility of dazing you opponent.


With move still very much in it's infancy I expect it to become more popular over time and with more and more first party games being announced it may be around for a long time to come.

With that said I will give Playstation MOVE 7 out of 10 and recommend it to anyone that likes trying new things even once :).


Assassins Creed II Review (PS3)

Players:  1
Network/Online Play: No Online Play
Install: About 5 mins
Trophies: Yes
Other Formats: X-box 360 and PC
Release Date: 20th November 2009 (UK)

The STORY for ACII is Set in 15th century Italy you play as Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, who is out for vengeance on those who betrayed his family which in turn leads him to uncover a conspiracy bigger than anyone could fathom.  For those that have played Assassins Creed ACII picks up almost straight after the first one with the blonde chick coming back and helping you escape the company to then only start on another adventure in history as another assassin ancestor.  With that said the story of AC was good but the story was not as immersive as what I originally thought but ACII takes that and destroys it. The CARACTERS and LOCATIONS in ACII have so much more background and feeling Desmond in particular has become a better character than he was in AC, as for his skills they have become “real” he actually have the same moves as his ancestor due to what is called “The Bleeding Effect” whichyou will find out about as you play through the game.  Ezio Auditore Da Firenze (Desmonds 15th century ancestor) has so much more than Altiar. Ezio’s character is alot more open yet darker than Altiar, and in keeping with the code Ezio keeps his friends close and his enemies closer. Our friends at UBISOFT have really thought about the locations in this game really well and gone into incredible detail also with the new environment comes new skills. The location that stands out the most is Venice the buildings the scenery are absolutely beautiful and once I seen it my jaw hit the ground and with the water it looks even better.

The GAMEPLAY for Assassins Creed II makes ACI look like something from the days of PS2 sorry but it is true. ACII’s gameplay is a HUGE improvement on AC, if you remember in AC the free running physics where for lack of a better word pants but with ACII they have improved on that really well there are still one or two kinks with it but that might have been me, also the combat system has also been improved has more of a “Free flow” feel to it i.e. you twating a dude with your fist, sword or hidden blade and another comes from behind you can kill that man in one motion without breaking a sweat which makes combat a lot more fun and pleasurable.  The movement physics have had a vast improvement also with climbing and hiding has been made more fluid and real making assassination missions easier or harder depending on how you move. The final improvement to the gameplay and a welcome one at that is the enemies AI if they see you go into a hiding spot they will poke around it with a sword and will force you out and try to kill you. All of the improvements are awesome and welcomed and it has given the game the feel it needs.  The REPLAY VALUE of
Assassins Creed II has a fair amount with side missions, collection missions and many more side quests also give the game a more realistic feel. With the addition of money you can raise funds to buy new weapons, armour and even dye your gear also you gain a villa which will earn you money the more you modify the town around your villa and the more gear you buy for your villa the more money it will earn for you. A new thing that will make you want to play the game also is the new UPLAY feature this is a BETA thing that Ubisoft has thrown in to reward the player with in game upgrades and even themes for your PS3 or 360 i.e. you complete a task or mission in the game you will earn points to spend on the bonuses, this is a fantastic feature which Ubisoft can build on in the future. With trophies out of the box this gives gamers the opportunity to play through the game to earn them if they don’t get them in the first play though.

The INGAME MUSIC and SOUND FX of Assassins Creed’s soundtrack has always made the game feel great and pull you into the world and with ACII being set in renaissance Italy it gives it the feel of the carnival and the in game sounds make it more immersive. Depending where you are in the world the hustle and bustle of everyone in the area make it feel like a busy built up and feel like a town rather than a quiet village. The music in the game is great although music is not always around in ACII the only times it needs it is when you are in battle or it is an intense moment within the game. One bit in the game that uses the in game sound really well is the assassination  mission that takes place during carnival night the fireworks, music and the people make you want to join the fun and dance which is what a game needs. ACII has no ONLINE PLAY to review but it does not need it but ubisoft should think of some awesome DLC to add to the story and side missions to give it more replayability. This title has great VALUE FOR MONEY ACII Offers up much MUCH more than the original a better story, better gameplay and better in game sounds you get what you pay for. AC had a lot of the above but lacked the staying power originally thought it would have. ACII brings the series back to where it should be.In closing if you enjoyed the original then I highly recommend this title for your collection. If you played the first one and got bored of it I would still recommend it to you as it is far better than the first game and deserves at least one play through.

So overall I will happily give Assassins Creed II a solid 9 out of 10