Thursday 13 January 2011

Playstation MOVE Review

I was very very sceptical about Playstation MOVE when I first heard about it I even asked myself, "Will it work??"  I will answer this question and more in this review.

So does MOVE work?? In a YES and very well at that, I have tried all 3 motion controllers for the BIG 3 consoles at the moment and I feel that MOVE is slap bang in the middle. My reason for this comment is that MOVE gives all the features of the WiiMote and more, the camera for MOVE gives the kinect feel to it. but with that said MOVE is neither Kinect or WiiMote it is an amalgamation of both. MOVE can be anything you want it to be A Sword, A Frisbee, Golf Club, Guns, With more and more games hitting PS3 that will use PSMove it has a decent future.
The move controller itself is very well build and is (Believe Me) very solid and sturdy. It is very easy to use all buttons within reach of the hand it is in and feels good to have it in your hand and to have something solid in your hand.

As you can see from the above image MOVE looks great and feels happy in the hand. Using your index finger for the trigger and select button and your thumb for the face buttons and start button so all you need is your 2 fingers and a hand. The ball on the top (although it looks like a ping pong ball) is soft and rubbery to the touch which makes it TV friendly-ish I have not lost my TV to it yet *Touches wood* and works as to point of capture for the camera.
The MOVE controller works with the above Camera. The camera tracks the ball on the top of the controller in either the PS3's XMB or in game to 1:1 Ratio the movement is very very fluid same as Kinect (Not had enough Hands on with kinect yet to review it that will come ASAP) both feel in their respective menu systems. In game Move comes into it own and becomes you hands basically for arguments sake in Sports Champions if you character has a sword in your hand (Not Literary) so swing slow and steady you cause little damage swing hard and fast cause great damage with possibility of dazing you opponent.


With move still very much in it's infancy I expect it to become more popular over time and with more and more first party games being announced it may be around for a long time to come.

With that said I will give Playstation MOVE 7 out of 10 and recommend it to anyone that likes trying new things even once :).


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