Thursday 13 January 2011

Welcome to my little corner of the net!!!

So welcome to PsychoboyUK's Gamer Blog!!!! A small endeavour I have decided to start as my reviews for games have stared growing over the last year or two and I really wanna bring them to the masses!! You will usually find me skulking about on PSN (Playstation Network) more often than not and even the odd time on XBL (Xbox Live) Under my Screen-name (See Blog Name lol)

Now I hear you cry "GAME REVIEWS IS THAT IT???" nope not just that I will post my reviews of consoles, games, peripherals (that I have purchased) and the odd Game convention I will even post my predictions to the conventions before the time and leave them open for discussion on here!! I will also post my wish lists for new consoles and games.

Now Lets get started!!!! going to be a busy day today I have a number of reviews to post so keep them peeled!!!  

Your In Gaming


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