Thursday 13 January 2011

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Review (PS3)

Players:  1 
Network/Online Play: No Online Play
Install: None
Trophies: Yes
Other Formats: X-box 360 and PC 
Release Date: 29th October 2010(UK)

Before we get started I DO NOT READ pre-launch reviews for games coz it spoils games that I want to get because it may stop me from getting or buying the game!! This time I wish I had ;)!! Also this Review was written BEFORE any DLC came out!!!

The STORY of SWTFU II (although Painfully short) is set after the story of the original no idea on how far ahead it is I would think a year tops, If you remember from the first one Starkiller (The Apprentice) becomes a jedi and according to this one dies but Juno, General Kota and several others form the rebel alliance survive and then we have SWTFU II. Now in this one you play as a clone of Starkiller and you are lead to believe that all your memories are those of a “dead man” used to train you but those memories (Or visions) drive you to find Juno (Your missus from the original) and you escape Kamino (The Planet where the clones in the 3rd Prequel movie where created) and escape to find and save both Kota and Juno while meeting YODA on Dagobah similar to what Luke did in A New Hope. Not to spoil any more of the story it ends back on Kamino where you confront Vader and make a choice to go Light or Dark if (and that’s a BIG if) they do a 3rd they will go from the Light ending.  The  

CHARACTERS and LOCATIONS that I have mentioned and not touched on are all absolutely stunning and very Star Warsy and drags you in. Each and every character from the first has been remodelled and aged they all look great even the cut secnes have had an overhaul and look fantastic. If I was scoring this game only on visuals 10/10 9/10 minimum.  The GAMEPLAY in this one has taken a BIG overhaul, what they have done is taken the physics from the original and said “here have a second Lightsaber and force powers during combos and enjoy”, the gameplay for this title is what the original should have been fast paced saber action unlike its predecessor where it feels like you swinging a battle axe rather than an energy sword. The gameplay in TFUII feels very god of war-ish in the fact that you have enemies coming at you left right and centre and you basically cut them into teeny tiny pieces (That’s literal by the way) another good gameplay feature is using force powers during combos than rather powering them through your saber which make destroying a walker a lot more fun.  ONE feature I would love to see (But know deep down won’t happen) is MOVE support on PS3 Imagine how cool it would be to have to MOVE controllers and swinging them like lightsabers.  

Here is a BIG sore point REPLAY VALUE this game has very little replay value at the moment, you get a few challenges (as mentioned) and you have a few more saber crystals to get and costumes too but in fairness the main has little to now replay value only thing you would replay for is trophies. This game needs some AWESOME DLC to give it the edge it so desperately desires whether or not this happens is yet in the future and in the hands of the developers but they need something!!! 

The INGAME MUSIC and SOUND FX fit the game perfectly there are one or two instances where you get an audio skip but nothing major. The in-game could have been a bit more prominent but with that’s said all the sound and music was good. ONLINE PLAY there is none to review at this time again would to see some DLC adding this feature would be a nice wee addition. 

The VALUE FOR MONEY I’m going to use this section for my conclusion also so bear with me. To be brutally honest there is no real value here for a start the game’s story is far FAR too short I have seen PS1 and PS2 games with longer stories (Not including Final Fantasy) the story all be it great need to be longer than 3 hours for a PS3 and Star Wars game I was expecting at LEAST a 6 hour story but it did not deliver, I would of even accepted a clone (Pardon the pun) of the first one where the clone went on a trip to find out about himself and take down a few of vader’s top men facilities leading to the final confrontation. The following sounds harsh but this feels alot like a DLC story leading to a new game rather than a standalone title, I would have been happy to pay between 10 to 20 pounds for this as DLC rather than it being 40 quid on its own. If I could recommend this game to anyone I would but PLEASE wait till it drops in price a bit it is not worth 40 quid not by a long shot!!!! Fans of the franchise/series will enjoy this game even if it is a onetime play though and trade-in with all its good points it is a undeniable flop. But don’t let this put you off give a go if you like great if you hate fair play to you at least you tried but remember don’t pay full whack.

So over all I give Star Wars The Force Unleashed II a firm but fair 6.5 out of 10! If they added  more to the already great story that made it longer it of been a far higher score!!!


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