Wednesday 30 May 2012

E3 2012 Preview

E3 2012

Well its that time of year again where gaming's "Big Guns" come out and show us some new goodies :). So this year SONY, MICROSOFT and NINTENDO are expected to wow us with what they have planned for us over the coming months, So I'm going to take a look at each one and talk about what I like the look of from them this year.

First up:

9:30 am PT 5:30 pm GMT (Monday 4th June)
Now this year at E3 Microsoft are having a bit of a quiet one in my honest opinion BUT with that said there are a few things I'm looking forward to them showing in their press conference.

First of which is HALO 4,

 Now I can't hide this but I'm a massive fan of this series particularly the first trilogy (Not played ODST) and Halo Reach and as soon as I found out this one was coming out I thought MasterChief was gone never to return :(. I will be honest I have said in the past that Halo is getting sour BUT with a new Developer at the helm I'm hoping this will bring some freshness to the franchise.

What I want to see is some single player footage/content the plot and what not and a look at the online multiplayer. I do think (All be it personally) that the online aspect could use a bit of an overhaul nothing to drastic but something fresh. Would also like to see how and if they will work KINECT in.

Next thing I would like to see/hear more about from Microsoft is the Web Browser that they are planning for the 360, I have read in places that it is a "slim" version of Internet Explorer with the integration of KINECT. 
I'm looking forward to this as current consoles have browsers but they are not the most "User Friendly" ones in the world so I would like to see what Microsoft have to offer with this feature.

I also expect a few bits and bobs about KINECT.

Next Up:

6:00 pm PT (Monday 4th June) 2:00 am GMT (Tuesday morning)
   E3 for SONY this year needs to be very VERY PS Vita friendly Games, Apps, Accessories, New Features and the likes. 

One thing I want to see for Vita is new PSN/SEN integration (Which in turn will spill over to PS3) similar to XBOX LIVE for example a "Free" PSN service like what we have now a PSN+ service similar to PS+ but not a "generous" for example early access to demos (Before PSN "Free") better gaming servers and free content and a final PSN "Platinum" Service with all the benefits of the previous two but with access to all public BETA's and a ton of free stuff. If this is announced would like to see a pricing scheme and the tiers they will provide.

The next thing I'm looking forward to is this:

All we have seen from this at the moment is the online mode (which despite my original worries) looks great and fresh for a game of its style. But what I'm expecting to see at E3 is the single player aspect and how and where they take the franchise and if they can stick to the high standard of the previous titles. Also I hope they show more of the online modes too. This will be on of SONY's biggest draws at E3 this year I think.

One other thing I'm hoping and praying for is a look at Quantic Dreams next offering. After that awesome tech demo a month or so ago they said "This has nothing to do with our next project" but cast your mind back a few years they said the same thing about the "audition" video before Heavy Rain's announcement. So will we see the next David Cage and Quantic Dreams next epic at E3?? I for one bloody well hope so.

Also expect a few other game announcements and some MOVE news.

Last and by no means least is our pals over at:
9:00 am PT 5:00 pm GMT (Tuesday 5th June)
Now Nintendo's E3 is fairly self explanatory the most obvious thing is WiiU.
Announced back in 2011 Nintendo's next machine should be out for Xmas 2012 (Just a guesstimate). But what will Ninty let us see at E3?? Well I for one want to see the the machines capabilities as it is rumored that Assassins Creed III will run on it IF true this would mean it would be upto PS3 and 360 standards.

Info wise on the WiiU I fully expect to hear the final specs and price point and actual release date and games for it all at E3.

Another thing I would like Nintendo to announce a "revised" Nintendo 3DS with the dual circle pads on it. I think it was something that was needed from day one and IF they do announce or show it will make me go out and grab one as I have been looking at getting one since launch.

I would like to see them also talk about an online service (similar to PSN and XBL) as it is one thing the Wii did not really have and with the 3DS and the WiiU should make for a good addition to the Nintendo range.

Other things Ninty will talk about is games for Wii, 3DS and the WiiU.

Other notable Pressers are:

Electronic Arts (Monday 4th June)   1.00pm PT - 9.00pm GMT 
Ubi-Soft (Monday 4th June)   3.00pm PT - 11.00pm GMT

Konami are also doing a presser the Friday before E3 8am BST - 12am PST. I expect some info on MGS Rising, ZOE 3, ZOE HD collection new Castlevainia and info on "Project Ogre".

Other bits I'm looking forward to seeing from E3 this year is:

Grand Theft Auto V
WWE '13
Assassins Creed III 
Resident Evil 6
Need For Speed: Most Wanted 2 (If rumors are true)

Would also like to see IF SONY and Microsoft have anything up their sleeves as far as the "Next Generation" is concerned but both have said NOTHING will be at E3!! Some how I think at least one of them will announce something!! 

There are many more things that's just a short list! Anyway thanks for reading this a little long but it was fun to write it :). Anyway enjoy E3 from 4th June 2012 till 7th June 2012.  

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