Thursday 28 June 2012

Rolling out The new Additions!!!

So with Transformers Prime Season 2 currently on vacation on Cybertron I thought now would be a good time to show off my Transformers Prime toys that have now moved in to the collection shelf (More blog posts to come) so lets get the ball rolling :).

TF Prime toys Group Photo

The first toy I purchased from the current line of toys was the voyager class Megatron:

Megatron (Voyager Class) Alt Mode (Jet)

  This one in my honest opinion is a pain in the butt to get into alt mode he speeds 99.9% in robot mode on the shelf, but in this case I had to put him into alt mode for this post.

To be honest I prefer his robot mode looks badass and looks awesomely close to his G1 state :)

Megatron (Voyager Class) Robot Mode

As you can see very badass xD.

Next on my list was a Commander Class toy I bought on the same day as Megatron and that is/was his second in command Starscream.

Starscream (Commander Class) Alt Mode
As you can see he has taken on the form of a fighter jet.

Starscream (Commander Class) Robot Mode
The alt mode on this Screamer is not his best his feet are very odd and it is difficult to stand him up at times but it is still an nice toy :).

The next toy I bought takes my Bumblebee tally to 7 (Yes I'm a Bumblebee fan :P) and was the first TF Prime deluxe toy i bought.

Bumblebee (Deluxe Class) Alt Mode
 Again it looks like Bee went for the Camero style sports car it looks really sleek  and is quite a solid toy.

Bumblebee (Deluxe Class) Robot Mode
 Not a fan of Bee's robot mode the shoulders don't look right and the head section does not sit right either! Other than that it is still a proud part of my collection.

The next toy from my Prime collection is the one hit wonder that is The Rock (oh sorry) Cliffjumper.

Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class) Alt Mode
I love this toy alot actually I originally thought i was gonna hate this toy but upon buying and mucking about with it a bit I really do like it.

Cliffjumper (Deluxe Class) Robot Mode
Again I love the alt mode on this toy looks badass as all hell but would love to see the "Zombie" Cliffjumper over here.

The next toy is the Autobot "Loner" Wheeljack.

Wheeljack (Deluxe Class) Alt Mode Swords under the car
Now this is my fave alt mode out of the prime toys st the moment, looks really sleek and stylish and very him!!

Wheeljack (Deluxe Class) Robot Mode
Another badass robot mode here looks fantastic and is well built!

And last but by no means least is Megatrons communications specialist Soundwave.

Soundwave (Deluxe Class) Alt Mode

 Not a fan of this alt mode looks to minimal to the others but it is a very nice and sleek toy :)

Soundwave (Deluxe Class) Robot Mode (With Lazerbeak)

 I really like this robot mode looks really nice and is well proportioned and stands very well given his thin and spindly legs!!

Well thats all the TF Prime toys I have at the moment!! With more to come I'm sure more will come :).

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading :)

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